The Chaos Computer Club e. V. (CCC) is Europe's largest association of hackers. For more than forty years we are providing information about technical and societal issues, such as surveillance, privacy, freedom of information, hacktivism, data security, and hacking. As the most influential hacker collective in Europe we organize campaigns, events, lobbying and publications as well as anonymizing services and communication infrastructure. There are many hackerspaces in and around Germany which belong to or share a common bond to the CCC as stated in our hacker ethics.
Bei der bayerischen Kommunalwahl beobachteten interessierte Wähler und bayerische Mitglieder des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC) eine Reihe schwerwiegender Probleme und realer Manipulationsrisiken, die das Vertrauen in die eingesetzten Barcode- und Computer-Zählsysteme weiter in Frage stellen. Vor den Risiken der computerisierten Auszählung hatte der CCC bereits im Vorfeld gewarnt. [1] more …
Today, Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court, the country’s highest court, flatly rejected North Rhine-Westphalia’s Constitutional Protection Act, which is designed to permit the so-called online search of computers and other IT systems. more …
The Chaos Computer Club highlights severe risks accompanying the use of software-aided barcode counting systems at the Bavarian local elections. During the elections on March 2nd 2008 more than 8000 barcode reading pens and PCs will be used to count the ballots on polling day. more …
A constitutional complaint against the inclusion of biometric characteristics in passports has been lodged following a lawsuit filed by lawyer Michael Schwarz. "Finally a debate long overdue in society flanked by legal steps against the biometric registration of the population is underway", said Chaos Computer Club (CCC) spokesman Dirk Engling. more …
Severe problems and irregularities occurred during Sunday's election for the state government in the German state of Hesse, where NEDAP voting computers were operated. more …
Dem CCC ist ein Dokument aus dem Bayerischen Staatsministerium der Justiz zugegangen, in dem der Einsatz eines Trojaners zum Abhören von Skype-Telefonaten ausführlich beschrieben wird. more …
The State Supreme Court in Hesse has announced NEDAP voting computers can now be used in the Hesse state elections this coming Sunday. The Court justified its decision with jurisdictional reasons since, as a matter of principle, verification is only permissible after the election in an official ballot verification procedure. The Court consequently had no opinion on the constitutionality of the use of NEDAP voting computers. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) regrets this because the by-elections are now threatened in Hesse in light of the close-run results forecast if a ballot verification procedure is contested after the election. more …